Top 5 Acupressure Points for Snoring Relief

Snoring, a common yet often disruptive condition, affects millions of people worldwide, influencing not only the snorer’s quality of sleep but also that of their partners.

It results from the vibration of relaxed tissues in the throat and mouth during sleep, which can be caused by a variety of factors, including nasal congestion, obesity, and muscle relaxation.

While there are numerous methods to address snoring—from lifestyle changes to medical interventions—acupressure offers a unique and holistic approach that taps into the body’s natural healing mechanisms.

Acupressure, an ancient practice rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine, involves applying gentle pressure to specific points on the body to restore balance and alleviate various ailments.

This technique is based on the belief that our body’s vital energy, or “qi,” flows through channels called meridians. By stimulating particular points along these meridians, acupressure can help address imbalances that contribute to health issues, including snoring.

In this guide, we will explore the top five acupressure points known for their potential to relieve snoring. Each of these points is strategically chosen for its ability to address factors contributing to snoring, such as relaxation, sinus congestion, and overall respiratory health.

By incorporating these acupressure techniques into your routine, you may find a natural and effective way to enhance your sleep quality and reduce snoring.

Whether you’re seeking a supplementary remedy or a new approach to improving your rest, understanding and applying these acupressure points can be a valuable step toward achieving a quieter and more restful night’s sleep.

1. Yin Tang (Third Eye Point)

Yin Tang, often referred to as the Third Eye point, is a vital acupressure point situated between the eyebrows, just above the bridge of the nose. This spot is easily recognizable as a gentle depression where the forehead meets the nasal area.


  • Relaxation: Yin Tang is renowned for its calming effects on both the mind and body. Stress and tension are known contributors to snoring, as they can cause muscle tightness and airway constriction. Stimulating this point helps to promote relaxation and alleviate mental strain, which can indirectly reduce snoring.
  • Sinus Relief: Another significant benefit of Yin Tang is its ability to support sinus health. Nasal congestion often leads to snoring by obstructing the airflow through the nasal passages. Stimulating Yin Tang can encourage sinus drainage and reduce congestion, thereby making it easier to breathe through the nose and potentially lessening snoring.


  1. Find the Point: To locate Yin Tang, place your index finger gently between your eyebrows. Move your finger upward slightly until you feel a tender spot. This area is where the Yin Tang point is located.
  2. Apply Pressure: Using your index finger or thumb, apply gentle but firm pressure to this tender spot. The pressure should be steady and comfortable, not causing any pain or discomfort.
  3. Massage: Begin to massage the point in a circular motion. Use small, deliberate circles to stimulate the area effectively. Continue this massage for approximately 1-2 minutes. This technique helps to enhance blood flow and relaxation in the area.
  4. Breathe Deeply: While applying pressure and massaging the Yin Tang point, focus on taking slow, deep breaths. Deep breathing enhances the relaxation effect and aids in reducing stress, which can further help in reducing snoring.

Incorporating this acupressure technique into your daily routine can be a simple yet effective way to address snoring. For optimal results, it is recommended to perform this technique 2-3 times a day.

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By making Yin Tang a part of your regimen, you not only work towards reducing snoring but also promote overall relaxation and sinus health, contributing to better sleep quality and enhanced well-being.

2. LI4 (Hegu)

LI4, also known as Hegu, is a prominent acupressure point located on the back of the hand, in the fleshy area between the thumb and index finger. To find LI4, locate the midpoint of the fleshy space where the base of the thumb and the index finger meet.


  • Breathing Improvement: LI4 plays a crucial role in enhancing respiratory function. For individuals who snore due to obstructed airflow or nasal congestion, stimulating this point can facilitate smoother breathing. By addressing respiratory issues, LI4 helps open up the airways, making it easier to breathe while asleep and potentially reducing snoring.
  • Stress Reduction: In addition to its respiratory benefits, LI4 is also known for its ability to relieve stress and tension. Chronic stress can contribute to snoring by causing muscle tension and disruptions in sleep patterns. By reducing stress through acupressure on LI4, you may experience improved sleep quality and a decrease in snoring.


  1. Locate the Point: To find LI4, use your thumb and index finger to feel the fleshy area between them. LI4 is situated at the midpoint of this space, where you may feel a slight depression or tenderness.
  2. Apply Pressure: Using your thumb, apply firm yet gentle pressure to the LI4 point. The pressure should be strong enough to feel a noticeable sensation but not painful. Hold the pressure steadily for about 1-2 minutes.
  3. Massage: After applying pressure, you can enhance the benefits by massaging the area. Use a circular motion with your thumb or index finger to stimulate the point further. This massaging technique helps to increase blood flow and relaxation in the area.
  4. Switch Hands: To ensure balanced benefits, repeat the process on the other hand. Locate the LI4 point on the opposite hand and apply similar pressure and massage techniques.

For the best results, it is advisable to stimulate LI4 2-3 times daily. This regular practice can help improve breathing, reduce stress, and potentially alleviate snoring.

Incorporating LI4 into your acupressure routine not only targets the physical aspects of snoring but also supports overall well-being by addressing stress and promoting better respiratory function.

3. ST36 (Zusanli)

ST36, also known as Zusanli, is a prominent acupressure point located on the lower leg. To find ST36, measure approximately four fingerbreadths below the kneecap along the outer side of the shinbone.

This point lies just outside the tibia, in a slight depression where the muscle is prominent when you flex your leg.


  • Digestive Support: ST36 is closely linked to digestive health. Proper digestion plays a crucial role in reducing snoring because digestive issues can lead to bloating and pressure on the diaphragm, potentially affecting the airway. By stimulating ST36, you can enhance your digestive function, reducing the risk of these complications and their impact on snoring.
  • Energy Boost: This point is renowned for its ability to boost overall energy levels and strengthen the immune system. A well-functioning digestive system and a strong immune response contribute to overall better health, which can indirectly impact snoring. By invigorating your body’s natural energy, ST36 supports improved well-being and a reduction in snoring symptoms.


  1. Find the Point: Begin by locating ST36 on your lower leg. Measure approximately four fingerbreadths below the kneecap and one fingerbreadth to the outside of the shinbone. You should feel a slight indentation where the muscle is more prominent. This is the Zusanli point.
  2. Apply Pressure: Using your thumb or index finger, apply gentle pressure to the ST36 point. The pressure should be firm yet comfortable. You should not experience any pain; the sensation should be soothing and slightly stimulating.
  3. Massage: With steady pressure, start massaging the point in small, circular motions. This helps to enhance blood circulation and promote relaxation in the area. Continue this massage for about 1-2 minutes, ensuring a consistent and gentle pressure throughout.
  4. Relax: Sit in a comfortable position while performing this technique. Relaxation can enhance the effectiveness of the acupressure, allowing your body to benefit fully from the stimulation of ST36.
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Performing this acupressure technique 2-3 times a day can help alleviate snoring by improving digestion and overall energy levels. Incorporating ST36 into your daily routine can support a more balanced and healthy digestive system, reduce stress, and contribute to a more restful sleep.

Regular stimulation of this point, combined with other healthy practices, can make a significant difference in managing snoring and enhancing your overall sleep quality.

4. PC8 (Laogong)

PC8, also known as Laogong, is an important acupressure point located on the palm side of the wrist, precisely in the center of the wrist crease. This point is easily accessible and can be stimulated by applying pressure directly on the wrist’s inner side, where the crease forms when the hand is extended.


  • Calming Effect: PC8 is highly regarded for its calming effects on the body and mind. Stress and anxiety are known contributors to snoring, as they can cause muscle tension and disrupt the normal relaxation of the throat and airway. Stimulating PC8 can help reduce stress levels and promote a sense of tranquility, which may help alleviate snoring.
  • Regulating Heart Rhythm: Another benefit of PC8 is its ability to support heart health by regulating heart rhythm. Balanced heart rhythms contribute to overall relaxation and improved sleep quality. By promoting relaxation and reducing any underlying stress or anxiety, PC8 can indirectly enhance sleep quality, which is essential for reducing snoring.


  1. Locate the Point: To find PC8, place your palm facing upwards and locate the center of the wrist crease. This is where the point is situated. You can feel a slight indentation or soft spot in the middle of the crease.
  2. Apply Pressure: Using your thumb or index finger, gently apply firm but comfortable pressure to the PC8 point. The pressure should be steady and should not cause pain or excessive discomfort.
  3. Massage: With the pressure applied, use your thumb or finger to perform small, circular motions over the point. Massage the area for about 1-2 minutes. This action helps to stimulate the acupressure point effectively and enhance its calming effects.
  4. Breathing: During the massage, focus on deep, relaxed breathing. Deep breathing helps to enhance the calming effect of the acupressure and promotes overall relaxation. Inhale deeply through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth, allowing your body to unwind.

Perform this acupressure technique on both wrists 2-3 times daily to help achieve the best results.

By incorporating PC8 stimulation into your routine, you may find relief from snoring as well as experience greater relaxation and improved sleep quality. The simplicity and effectiveness of this technique make it a valuable addition to any approach aimed at reducing snoring and enhancing overall well-being.

5. GB20 (Fengchi)

GB20, commonly known as Fengchi, is a crucial acupressure point situated at the base of the skull. To locate it, find the hollows at the base of the skull where the neck meets the head, on either side of the spine. This area is characterized by a slight indentation that can be easily felt with gentle pressure.

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  • Relief from Neck Tension: One of the primary benefits of stimulating GB20 is its effectiveness in relieving tension in the neck and shoulders. Tension in these areas can contribute to snoring by impacting the alignment and relaxation of the airway muscles. By targeting GB20, you help to alleviate this muscle tightness, which can ease any pressure on the throat and reduce snoring.
  • Improved Sleep Quality: GB20 is also known for its ability to promote overall relaxation and enhance sleep quality. Relaxing the neck muscles through acupressure can lead to a more restful sleep, reducing the chances of snoring. A relaxed neck allows for better positioning of the head and throat during sleep, potentially decreasing the vibration of tissues that causes snoring.


  1. Find the Point: Start by locating the hollows at the base of your skull, just where the neck meets the head. These hollows are situated on either side of the spine and are typically sensitive to touch. Use your fingers to gently explore this area until you feel the slight depressions.
  2. Apply Pressure: Once you have identified the GB20 points, use your thumbs to apply gentle but firm pressure to each point. Ensure the pressure is consistent and comfortable, without causing any discomfort.
  3. Massage: Begin massaging each GB20 point in a circular motion. The circles should be small and deliberate, allowing for effective stimulation of the area. Continue this massage for 1-2 minutes on each side of the base of your skull.
  4. Stay Relaxed: It is important to be in a comfortable position while performing this technique. Sit or lie down in a relaxed state to maximize the benefits of the acupressure. Maintain deep, steady breathing to enhance relaxation and support the overall effectiveness of the technique.

For the best results, incorporate the stimulation of GB20 into your daily routine. Performing this acupressure technique 2-3 times each day can help alleviate neck tension and improve sleep quality, potentially reducing snoring over time.

By regularly applying pressure to GB20, you address one of the physical contributors to snoring, leading to a quieter and more restful night’s sleep.


Incorporating acupressure into your daily routine offers a natural and holistic approach to addressing snoring. By focusing on specific acupressure points—Yin Tang, LI4, ST36, PC8, and GB20—you can target key factors contributing to snoring, such as relaxation, sinus congestion, and respiratory function.

Each of these points plays a unique role in promoting overall wellness and reducing snoring symptoms.

Yin Tang helps calm the mind and alleviate sinus congestion, LI4 supports better breathing and stress reduction, ST36 enhances digestion and overall energy, PC8 aids in relaxation and heart rhythm regulation, and GB20 relieves neck tension, all contributing to improved sleep quality and reduced snoring.

While these acupressure techniques can be beneficial, it is important to integrate them with other healthy sleep habits, such as maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, creating a comfortable sleep environment, and avoiding stimulants before bed.

Additionally, if snoring persists or is accompanied by other concerning symptoms, consulting a healthcare provider is essential to rule out underlying conditions.

By understanding and applying these acupressure techniques, you may experience significant relief from snoring. This approach not only helps in reducing the noise but also enhances overall sleep quality and well-being.

Embracing these methods as part of a comprehensive approach to better sleep can lead to a more restful night and a more harmonious sleep experience for you and your loved ones.